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Why Join Us?

Flat Organizational Structure

At GyanSys, experience a collaborative environment where every voice matters, fostering innovation and empowering you to make a real impact.

Cross-Functional Development

Enhance your skills at GyanSys through diverse projects across various teams, promoting holistic growth and broadening your professional horizons.

Fast Track Growth

Enhance your skills through diverse projects across teams at GyanSys, promoting holistic growth and accelerating your career trajectory.

Exposure to Transformative Projects

Engage in transformative projects within a collaborative environment at GyanSys, where every voice matters and you can make a real impact.

Career Pathways

Data & Analytics
Project & Program Management
Organizational Change Management
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Life at GyanSys

The GyanSys team believes society thrives when everybody from individuals to organizations participate in and commit to create stronger, sustainable communities and environments. Learn more about GyanSys in action below:
Higher Education
GyanSys For Good
Leadership Development
FRC Sponsorship
TEDx Sponsorship
Habitat for Humanity
Purdue Pathmakers
Contributions to Higher Education

GyanSys announced that it has contributed nearly $200,000 to the construction of a new multi-use off-campus building with facilities dedicated to student and graduate career activities, a startup Incubation Centre, additional classroom space, and meeting space for thousands of alumni at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) in Burla near Bhubaneswar, India.

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GyanSys For Good

As part of its ongoing community involvement initiatives, GyanSys proudly sponsored the Indiana Pacers 4th Annual STEM Fest 2024, held on March 16th. This event, aimed at promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education among youth, showcases our commitment to fostering innovation and learning in the local community.

Leadership Development Program

At GyanSys, we understand that great leaders are not born; they are developed. Our cutting-edge Leadership Development Program, crafted to empower young individuals and new grads to become visionary leaders in the dynamic world of business, operates on a global scale.

In 2023 we welcomed management interns from top business schools in India! These future leaders are geared up to tackle pre-sales, sales, project management, and delivery challenges in real projects at GyanSys.

Summer Internships

We are always looking for ambitious students to intern with us at GyanSys. Throughout the year, our interns bring in fresh new perspectives and help various teams accomplish more. We provide young professionals opportunity to jump in where they have real responsibility and accountability to their teams & projects.

FRC Robotics Team Sponsor

At GyanSys we are always looking to invest in emerging technologies, what better way to do so than cultivating the next generation of thought leaders. For this reason we have provided the local robotics team, TechHOUNDS, with a space for a practice field and a meeting location for their weekly Programming Learning Sessions.

“The practice field GyanSys provides enables the team to continue working on our projects outside of our school’s spatial boundaries. At the practice field, we have time to perfect our autonomous programs as well as train our drivers for upcoming competitions. We are extremely thankful for the opportunity GyanSys has given us to push the boundaries of what our team is capable of.” – Laura Dobie, Team President 2017-2018

TEDx Indiana University

GyanSys is a proud sponsor of TEDxIndianaUniversity (an independently organized event) and their fifth annual TEDx conference, “Entropy”. TEDxIndianaUniversity is an annual ideas- and experience-focused conference. Organized by a team of students, it aims to bring together community members in the exploration of ideas and discussion for our collective present and future.

Since the organization’s founding in 2014, the student leaders have obtained licensing from TED as well as Indiana University and have garnered support from a variety of schools and departments. As a student organization, TEDxIndianaUniversity seeks to promote a culture of curiosity, act as a forum for discussion, and engage students, faculty, and the Bloomington community in meaningful conversation.

Visit TEDxIndianaUniversity’s website.

Habitat for Humanity

“Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the United States and in more than 70 countries around the world. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward our vision by building strength, stability, and self-reliance in partnership with people and families in need of a decent and affordable home.”

Visit Habitat for Humanity’s website.

Purdue Pathmaker Internship

The Purdue University Pathmaker Internship Program is provided as an option for students looking to expand their educational experience by partnering with a variety of corporations and organizations. At GyanSys we are working to engage the next generation of employees. Students gain real-world work experience while receiving funding for their education. GyanSys is a corporate partner participating in and supporting this university-private industry program.

“There is no program at Purdue that I’m more excited about. An internship gives students experience and exposure, but most importantly, real world practice in their chosen field of study. All evidence, including the Gallup-Purdue Index, tells us that internships lead to more engaged employees with skills that employers value the most.” – Mitch E. Daniels, Jr. – President, Purdue University

Visit Purdue’s website for more information on the program.

Employee Testimonials

  • Kandy Vicini
    Vice President - Sales

    “Over the course of my career, I've worked for many organizations of different sizes, from large to small. In my opinion, GyanSys is just the right size organization.”

  • Dave Bigot
    Vice President - SAP Practice

    “When I was thinking about joining a consulting firm, I was looking for an organization where I could come in and make a difference. I wanted to make sure that the company could deliver the kind of quality that I would want to deliver for any customer that I was working for. GyanSys is that company.”

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