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Posted April 12, 2021

How To Configure GS DevOps Mate for Bit Bucket Pipelines

How to Configure GS DevOps Mate

Welcome to the third blog post in the GS DevOps Mate blog posts series. In the last two blog posts, we talked about Introductions to DevOps Mate, why we build it, its high-level architecture, how it is different from other Salesforce Deployment tools, and some of its salient features. 

Before we start, we will be assuming that you have a BitBucket repo setup with Admin access in SFDX format and a ‘main’ branch. If you have a master branch instead of main, replace main with master wherever we are referring to main.

The setup will involve the following steps:

  1. Configure your Build Runtime Environment
  2. Define Deployment Environments
  3. Define Environment Variables
  4. Configure the Pipelines
  5. Testing the Pipelines

1. Build Runtime Configuration

Enable the Pipelines.

Go to Repository Settings > Pipelines > Settings > Enable Pipelines

Create a YAML file by the name bitbucket-pipelines.yml in the root of the repository, as shown below with the image command. Make sure that the name is the same.

This step sets the GS DevOps Mate Docker image as the build runtime. All other commands would now run under the context of this image or, simply put, will run under the GS DevOps Mate Docker runtime and thus will have access to all the custom commands and resources we have packaged/dockerized in it.

2. Define Deployment Variables

  1. Go to Pipelines > Deployments
  2. Create QAOrg, UATOrg, and ProdOrg environments under Test, Staging, and Production environments, respectively.

3. Define Repo Variables  

You may wonder what are these $SOME_TEXT things in the steps defined below. So let’s discuss and sort them out first. These are Pipeline variables. They come in three flavors.

  1. Repository Variables: User-defined. We will be defining these soon.                                                    e.g. DEVHUB_ORG_TYPE, UAT_ORG_TYPE, LATEST_COMMIT_HASH_TAG
  2. Environment Variables: User-defined
    (We will not be using them in this post but you can define them in the Environment step which we did previously. You can use exactly like Repository variables as long as you have referenced the environment in your step.)
  3. Default Variables: Provided by the CI/CD service. So they will vary as we move from one service to another during this blog posts series.


      Let’s define Repository variables:

Go to Pipelines > Repository Variables

Define these variables with the following values:



MIN_OVERALL_CODE_COVERAGE: 90 (Can be anything from 75 to 100)





TEST_LEVEL: RunLocalTest or RunSpecifiedTest or RunNoTests


LOGGING_LEVEL: error or warn or info or debug or trace




QA_ORG_TYPE: Sandbox


PROD_ORG_TYPE: Production

QA_ORG_USERNAME: Username for a QA Org user with enough rights to deploy, Create, Read and Update custom settings data, preferably someone like System Administrator

QA_ORG_PASSWORD: Password and Security Token concatenated for the above user 

e.g mySecretPasswordmySecretToken

UAT_ORG_USERNAME: Username for a UAT Org user with enough rights to deploy, Create, Read and Update custom settings data, preferably someone like System Administrator

UAT_ORG_PASSWORD: Password and Security Token concatenated for the above user 

PROD_ORG_USERNAME: Username for a Production Org user with enough rights to deploy, Create, Read and Update custom settings data, and create Scratch Orgs, preferably someone like System Administrator

PROD_ORG_PASSWORD: Password and Security Token concatenated for the above user

4. Configure A Pipeline

As an example, we will configure the Feature Branch Workflow also known as GitHub Flow or GitHub Workflow as part of our CI/CD pipeline. 

What is a Feature Branch Workflow?

You can read about it here and here. This flow can also be converted into Trunk based flow if there would be short-lived feature branches and rather than deploying from the master, we create a release branch before the release and deploy from the release branch.

Please do not confuse this with Gitflow Workflow which you can read here and here.

You can refer to this visual for the pipeline we are configuring here:

What is This pipeline/workflows/actions YAML, and Why do I Need It?

Bitbucket Pipelines and many other CI/CD services provide a flexible way to configure CI/CD workflows or pipelines based on the configuration file(s). These files are included in the repo as part of the source code, and the format for these files is mostly YAML; with this approach, your CI/CD flow is also defined in your source code. There are different opinions about source code and CI/CD flow coexisting, but we will leave that for another day!

Each of these services ensures that their pipelines or CI/CD workflow configuration files have a unique name or a folder structure. We will see that as we progress within these blog post series for various services. In the case of Bitbucket, it is known as bitbucket-pipelines.yml. Want to learn more about YAML concepts? 

Here is a fantastic less than 9 minutes video.

In the bitbucket-pipelines.yaml file created above we will start adding pipelines and steps as part of these pipelines

The first pipeline is Pull Request Validation Pipeline:

Step 1

Triggered On: Pull Request from feature branch (Regex ‘feature/*’ can be modified to support trigger from different branches if you wish)


  1. Creates a delta package based on the last successful deployment commit, which is stored in the target org.
  2. Runs a PMD and ESLint based Static Code Analysis (Currently if any violation with severity 1 is found, the pipeline will fail at this step itself) 
  3. Marks the package created as an artifact to be utilized in later steps

> Do you support better flow for CLI automation?

Yes, we do support JWT based auth for most of the commands as well. Please check the documentation here.

> You mentioned This Pipeline is Set Up for an SFDX Format Repo and My Organization is still Utilizing the MDAPI Format. What Should I Do? 

You just need to replace all the sfPackages source-combined commands with sfPackages MDAPI commands in the YAML file. 

> What is the Delta Package and How Does It Work?

It works in two ways: 

  1. Based on git commit SHAs or tags passed in the ‘sfPackage’ command as old and new commit SHAs or tags: It does a diff between these two commits and creates a mdapi deployable package. It is more of a static way.
  2. Based on the commit SHA stored in a custom setting in the target org: This commit SHA is the commit SHA from the repository branch from which the last successful deployment happened. For a net new Org, if the sfPackage command does not find any custom setting record or the record itself, it creates a full package out of the repo. This is a dynamic way and we are utilizing this in our YAML file above. If you are running the pipeline on an Org for the first time and your Org is not a net new Org, and you want to avoid the full package creation and deployment. Create a Custom Setting Object by pushing the Deployment Info package available in the GS DevOps Mate repo. You can pick a commit SHA from the ‘main’ branch up to which you think the changes are in your target org and create a custom setting record with the following values as shown below:

Step 2

Triggered On: Completion of Step 1


  1. Creates a Scratch Org
  2. Creates a full repo package to be deployed to Scratch Org
  3. Deploys the package to the Scratch Org

Special Instructions: For the scratch org creation command which is sfOrgs createOrg, make sure to have a project-scratch-def.json file in the config folder in your repo

Step 3

Triggered On: Completion of Step 2

Actions: Runs a Deployment validation based on the artifact created in Step1 on the QA or a CI Org


  1. You can choose to go with Step 2 or Step 3. If you are not using Scratch Orgs in your development model, you do not need Step 2. If you are using Scratch Orgs and your project is not a huge one and the whole Scratch Org deployment can be done fairly quickly based on your requirements, you can go with both step 2 and step 3. If you have a huge project, Step 2 can be moved to a custom deployment pipeline which can be run daily on a scheduled basis. We will cover this in more details towards the end of this section.
  2. Once this pipeline is green and the code review is done, you are good to merge the feature branch to the main or the master branch.

Now we will define the second pipeline and look into its steps. We can name it Deployment Pipeline.

Step 4

Triggered On: When the feature branch is merged with the main branch

Action: Echoes a custom message.

Special Instructions: This is a dummy step, as BitBucket Pipelines can not start with a manual step and step 5 is a manual or approval-based step.

Step 5

Triggered On: Manual Run/Approval


  1. Creates a delta package for deployment to QA Org
  2. Deploys the package to QA Org

Step 6

Triggered On: Manual Run/Approval


  1. Creates a delta package for deployment to UAT Org
  2. Marks the package as an Artifact to be used in further steps

Step 7

Triggered On: On completion of Step 6

Action: Runs a deployment validation based on the package created in Step 6 on the UAT Org

Step 8

Triggered On: Manual Run/Approval

Action: Runs a deployment based on the package created in Step 6 on the UAT Org

Step 9

Triggered On: Manual Run/Approval


  1. Creates a delta package for deployment to Production Org
  2. Marks the package as an Artifact to be used in further steps

Step 10

Triggered On: On completion of Step 9

Action: Runs a deployment validation based on the package created in Step 9 on the Production Org

Step 11

Triggered On: Manual Run/Approval

Action: Runs a deployment based on the package created in Step 9 on the Production Org

With this we are good to save the bitbucket-pipelines.yaml file. You can find the whole file here.

> Do I Need to Create a Package in Step 6 and Step 9, Can’t I Reuse the Package by Marking the Package Created in Step 5 as an Artifact?

The delta package depends on the commit SHA stored in the target Org. Thus it is required to create the package for each org separately. Moreover, there is a 14 days retention period for Artifacts in BitBucket Pipelines, after which they are not available. So if the gap between the time when the package or artifact got created vs the deployment on a particular Org is more than 14 days, the deployment will fail due to the lack of artifact it is looking for.

> You have explained at a step level what the YAML is achieving, I want to understand each of these commands!!

That is a fair ask as knowing these commands in detail will give you a lot more power and flexibility. If you are interested in knowing more about these individual commands, you can refer to the documentation here, especially the Core Idea and Core Commands sections.

5. Test the Pipelines

Finally, we are ready to test the pipelines

Testing PR Validation pipelines: Create a PR from a feature branch to the main branch. This will kick off the PR Validation Pipeline. Make sure that your feature branch is following the naming convention which is feature/<any-valid-name>

e.g. feature/rks-221

Please note that based on the regex we defined in the pipeline YAML file, something like feature/rohan/rks-221 will not work, instead, you have to go with feature/rohan-rks-221 or you have to change the regex in the YAML

Testing Deployment Pipeline: Once the PR validation pipeline is successful and you are happy to merge, merge the feature branch to main. That will kick off the deployment pipeline.

These pipelines can be monitored and checked by clicking on the Pipelines tab and then clicking on the individual pipelines. 

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